Maetereten Admin replied

338 weeks ago


The Inglorious Bastards In Hindi Free Download

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a5c7b9f00b In 1944 France, a group of escaped American military prisoners en route to Switzerland volunteers to steal a Nazi V2 rocket warhead for the Allies.
Set in Europe during WWII, a group of American soldiers are in the process of being shipped off to military prison for a variety of infractions, ranging from desertion to murder. While they're being transported, a German artillery attack hits the convoy, killing the MPs and enabling four of the prisoners to escape. The group decides their best bet is to head to neutral Switzerland where they can avoid the fighting and prison. As they make their way to what they think will be freedom, they end up volunteering for a commando mission to steal a V2 warhead for the French Underground. Somehow, the team must sneak into the most heavily guarded base in German territory, steal the Nazi's most precious military hardware, and bring it back to the allies without getting arrested again by their own side.
Enzo Castellari's B movie "Quel maledetto treno blindato" is nowadays probably most recognizable because its English title "The Inglorious Bastards" inspired the title of Quentin Tarantino's 2009 movie. Castellari's movie contains a similar plot, with American GIs killing Nazis. In this case, our heroes are about to get taken to prison at the beginning, when their captors get killed by Nazi gunfire. So, the now free convicts decide to make their way to neutral Switzerland. Along the way, there's plenty of goose-stepping goons to shoot, and there's even some hot women. The main point of the movie is to show Fred Williamson offa cool tough guy.<br/><br/>So, this isn't one that you're supposed to interpreta Fellini-style film. This is pure, unadulterated fun. Really cool.<br/><br/>I bet that Brad Pitt's comment at the end of Tarantino's version not only reflected what Tarantino probably assumed about his movie, but what Castellari probably assumed about this one.
This film may be from 1978, but it looks at least 10-15 years older than that. You will see an awful lot of German soldiers hurling their weapons in the airif they were made of plastic and jumpinghighpossible while waving their arms. This means they have either been gunned down or blown up by bombs. A single stab wound, a punch or a kick to the face, or a tap to the small of the back with a barrel of a gun causes immediate death or unconsciousness to the fragile enemy Germans. Sometimes the Germans are so in shock at seeing the Americans that they just stand there, waiting to get shot or punched. It's pretty funny, really. The fire scenes are totally unrealistic and look like someone set some toys on fire. I watched the UNCUT EDITION and assume the exploding blood packs used toward the end of the movie were not seen in the original. Take away the blood packs and you got a family film.<br/><br/>The storyline wasn't bad except the part about the German POW who escaped (meaning he didn't like being a POW) and is again captured but sides with the Americans… and the pickpocket who had been in jail so long that his hair had grown hippie length but always had a close shave.<br/><br/>The acting itself was solid and very believable. Other than that, Quel maledetto treno blindato is pretty much like a cartoon. It is an excellent time killer on a rainy Saturday afternoon.

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last edited 260 weeks ago by Maetereten
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