a5c7b9f00b Jack Walsh (<a href=">Robert De Niro) is a tough bounty hunter has to deliver Jonathan &quot;The Duke&quot; Mardukas (<a href=">Charles Grodin), who embezzled $15 million from the Mob, but the FBI is after The Duke to testify - the Mob is after him for revenge - and Walsh is after him to just shut up. Will they survive each other and all the other pursuers to a happy ending? Bounty hunter Jack Walsh (<a href=">Robert De Niro) is sent to find and return bail jumper and former Mafia accountant, Jonathan &quot;The Duke&quot; Mardukas (<a href=">Charles Grodin). The FBI has had no success in locating The Duke, so when Jack finds him in next to no time, they are a little embarrassed. In order to collect his $100,000 fee, Jack must take The Duke from New York to Los Angeles. However, the Mafia and the FBI have other ideas,does Marvin Dorfler (<a href=">John Ashton), a rival bounty hunter. On their long cross-country trip to LA, the two get to know each other and they build up a strange friendship. Hello.<br/><br/>I actually created an account merely for the purposes of composing a review for this film.<br/><br/>I wont waste everyones time with describing the plot and/or what occurs in this filmtherehundreds of numerous other reviews which do just that.<br/><br/>I will begin with what i believe is what makes a good film…<br/><br/>Far too often i find that in the current climate so much of a film is devoted to CG and &quot;plasticity&quot;, if such a word exists, but i suspect that you all know what i mean.<br/><br/>Not a lot of what one see&#39;s these days is actually devoted to the testament of a good actor, and when this is recognised and witnessed, it is quite an achievement.<br/><br/>The reason that this film is such an accomplishment is down to the fact that from beginning to end it is a display of everything that a film should be and all that makes a film good and worthwhile watching.<br/><br/>From the start to the finish this film is graced with a good storyline and FANTASTIC acting throughout, even though i could never associate with how any of these characters would feel being put in their situations every scene makes you believe that is believable.<br/><br/>Deniro (Jack Walsh)and Grodin (Jonathan Mardukas) are an unsuspected but utterly fantastic combination of 2 characters making this film simply come to life in ways that other films can only hope to strive to achieve, coupled with John Ashton (Marvin) and Dennis Farina (Serano), this makes for a cast that delivers one of the best screen performances individually anda group that i have ever witnessed.<br/><br/>Every scene has meaning and relevance, even scenes that are aired for comic intent solely but still achieving more than that.<br/><br/>These days many people are bored by watching actors &quot;act&quot; and simply want whizz and bang and fizz and pop and bells and whistles attached and i suspect it has led to a significant increase in the dumbing down of (hollywood) cinema.<br/><br/>Directors and actors should take a page out of the book of this film and realise and re-embrace what is truly needed for a film to stand out regardless of a (suspected) dumbed down audience that exists these days. If people are too stupid and ignorant to be able to follow a plot then they deserve the drivel that is put on the big screen but i suspect that the majority of people still want a good film, and apologies for digressing from the point but this film is it.<br/><br/>Funny and serious all rolled into one from the offset and grittily realistic and truthful and insightful into how people really are.<br/><br/>Some of the one liners alone are simply hilarious;<br/><br/>&quot;Marvin look out!&quot; &quot;Well i&#39;ve got 2 words for you, Shut the %$£&amp; up&quot; &quot;96 bottles of beer on the wall&quot; &quot;Would you ever have $£X with a chicken Jack?&quot; &quot;Watch your cigarette with this one Jack!&quot; &quot;Did you do the litmus configuration?&quot;<br/><br/>In summary, this film is what makes a film worthwhile watching, fantastic acting, plot, and cast to mention but a few positive aspects of. <br/><br/>Considering you can probably purchase this film delivered for less that £4 ($5-6) these days you really would be a fool to miss out.<br/><br/>Finally, i have not to this day watched a film so many numerous times that i can still watch and laugh at a gag i have heard many times before. Every time i watch this film something new presents itself to me.<br/><br/>Put simply one of the best films i have ever seen and anyone who considers themselves a seasoned avid film watcher would regard this simply film genius and poetry in motion.<br/><br/>You WILL relish every minute of this film i suspect, so enjoy! :) If ever the phrase &#39;They don&#39;t make &#39;em like they used to&#39; applied to something, it was the 1988 Robert DeNiro film &#39;Midnight Run.&#39; There&#39;s something about it that just works. Maybe it&#39;s the simplicity of the plot, i.e. Robert DeNiro&#39;s bounty hunter, Jack Walsh, has to escort his - unwilling - prisoner, &#39;The Duke,&#39; played by Charles Grodin, from one side of America to the other. Even the supporting characters claim that&#39;s a task so easy that it could be done backwards. However, Jack finds this simple accountant more of a handful that he bargained for. It&#39;s not just the Duke&#39;s repeated escape attempts and constant chatter about Walsh&#39;s unhealthy lifestyle that cause the problems (apart from bringing on Jack&#39;s &#39;sleeping&#39; ulcer!), it&#39;s the fact the Duke is also wanted by the FBI, another bounty hunter and the Las Vegas mob.<br/><br/>As I say, this film is a product of times past. It doesn&#39;t rely on extensive computer effects or high octane action, it simply has excellent chemistry between its two leads. If you read the trivia online surrounding this film, you&#39;ll see that a lot of the dialogue was adlibbed between DeNiro and Grodin which normally means that the actors clearly took great pleasure in interacting with each other and got a feel for the relationship and how it progresses. There&#39;s also a decent amount of character development, especially with DeNiro,the two of them - naturally - start off hating each other, due to the fact that DeNiro is basically taking his prisoner to long-term incarceration (and possibly death at the hands of organised crime lords!), but they gradually warm to each other and end updifferent people than where they began from.<br/><br/>It&#39;s a bit of a mish-mash of genres really, bouncing effortlessly between action, crime, chase, road movie and, perhaps most notably, &#39;buddy-cop&#39; movie (despite the fact that neither of the two leads are currently police officers). There&#39;s not too much here that you won&#39;t expect, so it&#39;s not like the story is going to revolutionise Hollywood script-writing. However, it&#39;s simply a good, fun, entertaining film. I would almost gofarto say that it could be &#39;enjoyed by the whole family,&#39; but it does contain an excessive amount of swearing (perhaps somewhere out there is a nice, police &#39;clean&#39; version that kids could enjoy?!). If you like you&#39;re entertainment fun-filled and well-written, you can do much worse than spending a couple of hours in the company of a grumpy bounty hunter and his unwitting captive (oh, and it is a couple of hours long, but don&#39;t worry - it never drags!).<br/><br/> One of the most entertaining, best executed, original road pictures ever. A &quot;midnight run&quot; is originally a slang term for a quick, late-night shopping trip to the corner store for beer, cigarettes or snacks. In bounty hunter slang, a midnight run is an easy job. The phrase has been used from time to time on the TV show <a href="/title/tt0424627/">Dog the Bounty Hunter (2003)</a>. In the movie, bond agent Moscone (<a href="/name/nm0001592/">Joe Pantoliano</a>) promises Walsh (<a href="/name/nm0000134/">Robert De Niro</a>) that his assignment will be an easy job, ie a &quot;midnight run&quot;. In addition, to fulfill the contract, the fugitive has to be brought in by Friday midnight, lending further meaning to the movie title. At the start of the movie, when Jack Walsh brings Monroe Bouchet (<a href="/name/nm0866019/">John Toles-Bey</a>) to the police station to be booked, a policeman says to Jack, &quot;Hey Jack, the Soda machine&#39;s been out for a week and a half.&quot; Jack responds to this comment with a contemptuous smirk. It is likely that the policeman means ita sign of disrespect to Jack. He is saying something like &quot;You must be here to fix the soda machine, because you sure don&#39;t work here.&quot; It&#39;s an acknowledgment that Jack used to be a cop, but has now fallen on hard times, and has no real business in a police station. It is most likely a nickname which originated in his real name—Jonathan Mardukas. His surname is pronounced Mar-Duke-Is, with the stress naturally falling on the second syllable (Duke), hence the nickname of the Duke. Jack Walsh (<a href="/name/nm0000134/">Robert De Niro</a>) finds Mardukas (<a href="/name/nm0001301/">Charles Grodin</a>) relatively easily by checking his police booking slip, and finding the number Mardukas called immediately after he was arrested. Jack then has his police contact find out where the house is to which the number belongs. Jack then taps the phone line in the house and calls the house pretending to be an FBI agent looking into the Mardukas case. This prompts the woman who lives in the house to immediately call Mardukas himself. However, because Jack has tapped the line, he is then able to discover exactly where Mardukas is staying. As such, Jack is able to find Mardukas easily, in contrast to the FBI and the mob, both of whom are unaware of what city Mardukas is even in. Obviously, in reality, this is preposterous, the FBI would easily have been able to do what Jack did, and the Mob, one would imagine, would have their own contacts with access to police files. However, in the context of the film, the incident is simply a way of presenting Jackresourceful and determined, whilst the FBI and the mob are shown to be quite inept, always a few steps behind Jack. Marvin Dorfler (<a href="/name/nm0039226/">John Ashton</a>) is able to cancel Jack&#39;s (<a href="/name/nm0000134/">Robert De Niro</a>) credit card simply by calling the credit card company, giving his name and card number, and saying he has lost his card. In 1988, there were few checks in place to stop such things. Credit card issuers were interested in stopping unauthorized use of cards, not unauthorized cancellations. The question of how could Marvin have known Jack&#39;s credit card number in the first place is left open, but some hints are given. Marvin is shown several times during the moviebeing thoroughly unscrupulous, it is probable that Marvin simply got Jack&#39;s card number at some stage in the past and kept it for just such an incidentis seen in the film. Because,Mardukas says, it&#39;s not a bribe, it&#39;s a gift; Jack has already let Mardukas go before Mardukas gives him the money, so taking the money from Mardukas does not violate Jack&#39;s moral code in any way. The R1 US DVD, released by Universal Home Entertainment in 2003, contains the following special features:<br/><br/>An untitled 7-minute behind-the-scenes featurette made in 1988, featuring interviews with <a href="/name/nm0000134/">Robert De Niro</a>, <a href="/name/nm0001301/">Charles Grodin</a>, <a href="/name/nm0001433/">Yaphet Kotto</a>, <a href="/name/nm0039226/">John Ashton</a>, <a href="/name/nm0001199/">Dennis Farina</a>, <a href="/name/nm0286561/">Richard Foronjy</a>, <a href="/name/nm0592188/">Robert Miranda</a>, <a href="/name/nm0000976/">Martin Brest</a> and <a href="/name/nm0303032/">George Gallo</a>.<br/><br/>Original Theatrical Trailer<br/><br/>The R2 UK DVD, released by Universal Home Entertainment (UK) in 2003 has the trailer, but loses the featurette. Yes, it is. The Region B locked UK edition, released in 2015, contains the following special features:<br/><br/>• &quot;We Got the Duke&quot; - an interview with Charles Grodin<br/><br/>• &quot;Moscone Bail Bonds&quot; - an interview with Joe Pantoliano<br/><br/>• &quot;Hey Marvin!&quot; - an interview with John Ashton<br/><br/>• &quot;Midnight Writer&quot; - an interview with screenwriter George Gallo<br/><br/>• &quot;I&#39;m Mosely!&quot; - an interview with Yaphet Kotto<br/><br/>• The original 7-minute &quot;making of&quot; featurette<br/><br/>• The Region A locked US edition, released by Shout! Factory in 2016, contains all the special features from the UK edition, plus<br/><br/>• A new 2K resolution scan of the original film elements<br/><br/>• &quot;Being Jack Walsh&quot; - an interview with Robert De Niro John Wick: Chapter 2 full movie free downloadEl Rostro de Anal a full movie torrentWe Were Tomorrow full movie in hindi free download mp4Counting Coup tamil dubbed movie torrentCrimson Tide full movie hd 720p free downloadSharknado 4: The 4th Awakens movie in hindi dubbed downloadthe A Day in the Life of Young Robin Hood full movie in hindi free downloadEpisode 1.97 full movie hindi downloadFight of the Marne full movie download mp4Her Spirit online free
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338 weeks ago